Studio Givix - Limited Editions
A good portion of my artwork consists of portraits of people that have influenced me as a person or as an artist. As an artist something I am big on is being a good influence. I tend to draw or paint people that I look up to for the extraordinary things they have done. As many of you since I was little I wanted to do big things and quickly found people that I wanted to be like. That's sort of the American way, look up to your hero's and try to be like them. I like to learn about the people as well and learn their story, story has so much power. I like a good character that has overcame the impossible and worked as hard as they could and put their all in and their self on the line to be what they wanted and became great for it.
Here are some links to more information
New York Times - Artists vs. Icons
Reporter Committee - Appeals court allows artist to sell
SSRN - Right of Publicity and the Artist
Studicata - ETW Corp. v. Jireh Publishing, Inc.
DePaul University - Rick Rush Gets the Green Jacket